The late poet Sylvia Plath once said, “Nothing stinks like a pile of unpublished writing…I don’t have a pure motive… I still want to see it finally ritualized in print.”
She must have agonized over short stories that kept coming back, like ghosts, haunting her.
On my bookshelf is an assortment of self help books on writing. Writing for Dummies, How to Get Rich in the Writing Business, Be Obscenely Rich by Writing, and so on, you get the drift…
I was a tad euphoric to find out in a book called How to Write Romance and Get Published that even a popular writer, Danielle Steel was not exempted from the harsh realities of book writing. For five years, her three completed works were rejected one after the other. Imagine that. It must have caused her a lot of disappointment, tears and postage stamps. She nearly quit if one publisher had not taken a chance on her. She found a niche for her style and the rest was, as we say, history.
I’m not saying that I’m happy for her obvious setback. It just proved that no matter how long it takes, one has to hold on to hope. In the meantime, enjoy the ride (or the write).

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